Industrial safety for AC/DC and DC/DC proposed by eMergy Tech

The technology continues to improve so the industrial safeties are very important to guarantee the quality and compliance of ACDC & DCDC converter. 

By eMergy Tech, we focus to suggest and provide solutions which respects the latest standard application by application. 

Here, we illustrate the mainly industrial safeties and explain because they are fundamental for our power supply. 

Electric components compliant to RoHS, REACH and CE rules

For a Company involved in the distribution of electric components, following the standards compliance it means to respect the rules/standards which guarantee the quality and safe of products which are proposed. 

This means to get a responsibility managing of all chemical substances, the continuous effort to reduce the pollution and the respect of current rules. Practically, our focus is suggesting a sustainable production while maintaining a constant commitment to protecting the environment.

Respect the rule compliance avoid getting legal penalties and preserves corporate integrity. Moreover, it lets to be in the international market.  

All products distributed by eMergy Tech are compliant to the 3 most important rules in the industrial market:  

  • RoHS, standard which limits the dangerous substances in the products. 
  • REACH, certifies the responsibility managing of all chemical substances.

CE, confirms the compliance to European rules.

VedUnderstood now with eMergy Tech each rule/standard in the meaning.

Certificazioni Industriali Alimentatori ACDC e DCDC

What is RoHS certification, and which is its rule

The RoHS III, acronym of “Restriction of Hazardous Substances“, limits the use of some dangerous substances into the electronic and electrical equipments (AEE). 

In detail, this rule declares a power supply is built in without dangerous substances, which could be: lead, cadmium, mercury, PBB and PBDE. This guarantee the product safe and help the selling in the international market, where the RoHS III certification is mandatory.

What is REACH certification and because it is important

The REACH rule, which defines the registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Chemical Substances restriction, is the European Rule n. 1907/2006 which guarantee a right and safe chemicals substances managing.

The main scope is giving a rule to the chemical substances’ importation in the EU. A key point of this rule is the obligation, for all manufacturers and importers, to declare to Chemical Substances European Agency each substance produced or imported for 1 ton or more per year.

What is CE certification and what it indicates

The CE certification is mandatory for all electrics and electronics products which have to be compliant to European rules of “Electromagnetic compatibility and low voltage”.

This mark declares a product satisfies: 

  • Safety requirements 
  • health protection requirements
  • environmental protection
  • other specific requirements established by European directives.

the CE mark demonstrates the equipment, or the product has been subjected to compliant evaluation process which can include laboratory test, documentation analysis, evaluation of managing system for quality and other evaluations depends on product and applicable directive.

Moreover, it is an important sales tool for the marketing and sales between EU Countries.

The industrial certifications of the products distributed by eMergy Tech: compliance warrantee for many markets and sectors

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the industrial certifications of our products, which guarantee full compliance with strict industry regulations.

In eMergy Tech, we propose safe and reliable products, which are fundamental features for electronics and electricals application. Being distributors for electronic and electrical we pay the utmost attention to quality.

In the details, inside our certified products portfolio, we propose:

  • AC/DC
  • DC/DC
  • Coils, Transformers, IC controller, Transceiver for 232-485-CAN Bus communication protocol 
  • Capacitors

Do You need more information? Contact us for a technical consulting!

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